How to create a free blog website in english


How to create a free blog website full tutorial in English
How to create a free blog website full tutorial in English

 ● What is blogger? 

Blogger is a online business for without investment.  Blogger to make money simple. We are guide for you how many earn from blogger?  So read our blogger all post. 

●This is premium blog corse I give you all to free. 

●Which browser in i create my blog.?

Internet up very browser but you not use this all browsers in blogger.  List of browser in you use blogger .

           👉 Google Chrome 

           👉 fire fox

           👉 safari

  👉 note : you use any browser so browser in you updated browser .

● why start a blog?

blog start very reason but first you select a reason to start blog. list is under 👇

                 👉 sell products 

                 👉 earn money 

                 👉 share though 

                 👉 grow business 

 ●how to create free a blog? 


you first open your browser. search your browser in . click up first results for Google. after click up sign up button.

 👉 first sign up for your email address. 

 👉 choose your blogger user name.

 👉 click on new blog .

👉 first write your blog name. 

👉 write your blog address. 

● your blog is ready. 

your blog show in Google after 2-3 days. you are write blog post unique. 

● watch this youtube video to you understand.

Hindi video 

English video 

● blogger niches ideas. 

👉 education blog 

👉 quitos blog  (shayari blog)

👉 ecommers blog

👉 job blog 

👉 news blog

👉 information blog

👉 technical blog 

👉 tips and tricks blog

👉 comedy blog

👉 song lyrics blog

👉 reviews blog 

👉 application review blog

👉 whatsaap group link blog

👉 interview blog

👉 application tips tricks blog

●main tag for this post.

how to create blog website. 

blogger niches ideas .

blogger tutorial.

blog kese banaye.

how to create a website for free .

what is blog.

● about this post.

this post is a blogger tutorial. this post in i share information of how to create a blog. blog website kese banaye. 

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