Why my all the blogs published on Blogger are not showing in the search results?

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In this article I will give you the full answer to the most commonly asked question

Why my all the blogs published on Blogger are not showing in the search results?

Ans: how to set up and verify your blogger on google search console you can read in the article given below.

I can't search my blog on google What to do please help me

Ans: This is because you did not submit your site to the google search console. to make your site visible on google you must submit your site to the google search console. how to submit your site which you can read in this article.

My Facebook page shows but the blog doesn't show on Google?

Ans: this is because facebook is one of the top ten websites in the world and as a result google visitors face to face as often as possible. which is why the facebook page shows but the blogger does not show.

How can you submit your site that you can read in this article?

After how many of my posts will appear on Google I have posted to Blogger

Ans: google did not specify a post limit but in my experience you need at least one post and you can submit your website to the google console and the google page will go to your site and point your site and your site will appear in google search results.

Why is my blog post not showing up on Google search results even though my blog is three months old?

Ans: this is because google may be removing your site or penalized.

Today in this article I will tell you how to make your blog look ion google or you can search on google. and how to set up and verify a blogger in the Google Search console.

How to submit your site to the google search console

Here's what you can do

step 1: Sign up for google search console

Go to google and search the google search google search console

after opening the website click on the start button now

 After clicking start now this will ask you to choose a google account if you have a large google account.

After selecting an account in the upper left corner click on Insert Properties, after clicking on Add to Properties past the URL of your website at the start URL

after attaching your url to the start click continue, after clicking continue if your website and your search account are in one google account then it will automatically verify your account.

if not then click on the setting, click Verify ID, After clicking Verify ID click on HTML Tag, then copy that tag and go to your blogger.

In the blogger go to Team and go to html just press ctrl + F and the search tool bar will open and search for <Head>. after you find the <Head> header code below and go back to the search console and press confirm, then clicking Confirm will confirm your site.

To submit your site to the google search console you must submit a site map.

to create a site map you can search on google sitemap generator and create a site map. then go to the blogger settings. in the blogger settings go to Crawlers and point and enable Custom robots.txt and then navigate to the site map in custom robots.txt and press save.

enable custom robotic head tags.

Now in setup go to Privacy, which is visible in the automatic search engines will be disabled, to enable you.

  Now go to google search console and on the left there will be a Sitemap option and click on it and now in Add a new sitemap

just type sitemap.xml and press the submit button. then a notification will appear that you have successfully submitted a site map.

Now every time you publish your new post to a blogger you should submit a sitemap.xml site map and then scan the Url and paste the url and press enter.

after submitting the url index to the index, it will take 2 to 3 minutes and you are done.

Now google crawlers come to your site with the crawl page or post you requested. It can take up to 24 hours and in some cases it can take up to a week to appear on your page or post on google.

I hope you have feedback on how to bring your site to the google console.

Please let me know in the comments box what this article was like. & if you have any questions please let me know in the comment box.

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